Luxury Villas

for sale

in Marrakech


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Your real estate partner

Villanovo is the leading villa rental agent in Marrakech with a portfolio of 150 luxury villas and fully staffed riads. We put our experience at the service of your real estate acquisition projects.
Our reputation is built on three strong pillars: the finest selection of villas and riads in Marrakech, a deep understanding of the real estate and rental market, and a network of trusted local agents. It is this unique combination that enables us to offer you exceptional real estate opportunities.

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Assistance and expertise

of Villanovo

Let us work together to outline the details of your real estate project. We will assist you in identifying the essential criteria and analyze the potential rental profitability of each property based on your objectives. 

Entrust your search to our local experts, dedicated partners who will support you in the selection, visits, and the entire acquisition process."